in reply to Net::Twitter::Stream socket issue

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have IO::Socket::SSL installed. It is a prerequisite for Net::Twitter::Stream, but it isn't listed in the Makefile.PL, so it may not have been installed. There are a couple several year old bugs on this for this module.

After checking that, it's time to deal with Net::Twitter::Stream. It has some serious issues. Generally, with system calls, you want to be checking return values and $!. If they are undef or 0 where something useful should be returned, checking $! is essential to get the error back. Net::Twitter::Stream doesn't check for errors and return them to the code calling it in a way that can be useful. Basically, you're screwed. If there is a better alternative module, I'd suggest switching to it.


Test your modules with bleadperl!

  rsync -avz rsync:// .
  ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/path/to/test/perl
  make test
  make install

Now, please test you modules! If you have test failures that don't happen with Perl 5.8.8, send a simplified test case to

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