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Re^2: Old version of LWP::Agent

by parser (Acolyte)
on Apr 27, 2012 at 03:48 UTC ( [id://967506]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Old version of LWP::Agent
in thread Old version of LWP::Agent

Pointing to the location of an intact version of LWP::Debug wouldn't appear to be intractable. Or are you being irascible?

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Re^3: Old version of LWP::Agent
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 27, 2012 at 03:59 UTC

    Pointing to the location of an intact version of LWP::Debug wouldn't appear to be intractable. Or are you being irascible?

    The new interface that LWP::Debug documents is much simpler/better way of doing things.

    Anyway, to find all the versions in the simplest possible way, even the BACKpan-ed ones, use

    Or are you being irascible?

    No, but you're being very cryptic and rude

      Woah! I am certainly not attempting to be cryptic nor rude. My question seemed a perfectly natural one to ask. Perhaps I've been at the keyboard too long...

      I am puzzled by your statement that LWP::Debug has a new interface. The version that is bundled with WWW::Mechanize is basically empty.

      Can you please elaborate?


        Woah! I am certainly not attempting to be cryptic nor rude. My question seemed a perfectly natural one to ask. Perhaps I've been at the keyboard too long...

        Please mark your updates , thank you. See How do I change/delete my post?

        I am puzzled by your statement that LWP::Debug has a new interface. The version that is bundled with WWW::Mechanize is basically empty.

        Well WWW::Mechanize doesn't bundle LWP::Debug, but LWP::Debug isn't exactly empty, the documentation explains the new interface to use, and the old code is still there, unused by LWP itself. Read If that works for you, great, otherwise you should use wireshark. There have been many updates and bug fixes to LWP, reverting to a very old version for the sake of old LWP::Debug interface doesn't seem worth it

      Thank you for the link to metacpan. I was not aware of that site. I found exactly what I was looking for.

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