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Re^2: The History of Acme::Bleach and Acme::EyeDrops

by davorg (Chancellor)
on Apr 28, 2012 at 14:29 UTC ( [id://967813]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: The History of Acme::Bleach and Acme::EyeDrops
in thread The History of Acme::Bleach and Acme::EyeDrops

It's worth pointing out that when Damian demonstrated to the module to, it was simply called "Bleach". BackPan confirms that version 1.000 of was uploaded on 21 Feb 2001. It was only with release 1.012 on 21 May 2001 that it acquired its more recognisable name. So it looks like Acme::Buffy and Acme::Pony both beat it into the Acme namespace.

All of which makes me wonder if Leon had more to do with the invention of the Acme namespace than Damian says above. After all, he's been using the nick "acme" on IRC since well before this all happened :-)


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Re^3: The History of Acme::Bleach and Acme::EyeDrops
by DamianConway (Beadle) on May 01, 2012 at 08:48 UTC
    All of which makes me wonder if Leon had more to do with the invention of the Acme namespace than Damian says above.
    Not as far as I know (though, of course, he may well have been mind-controlling me without my knowledge). I actually wrote to Leon to apologize for having chosen "Acme" and to ensure he was okay with that. He was, as always, extremely gracious and bestowed his most aranciate blessing on the choice.


      he may well have been mind-controlling me without my knowledge

      That sounds likely to me. It's always seemed suspicious that Acme and Uri were the only Perl programmers with their own CPAN namespaces :-)


      See the Copyright notice on my home node.

      Perl training courses

      He bestowed his most aranciate blessing on the choice
      I'd forgotten about Leon's worship of the colour orange. Thanks for reminding me. I remember now that when davorg visited some years ago, he told us that Leon had decreed that he undertake a spiritual journey to the New South Wales city of Orange and granted davorg permission to bestow his most aranciate blessing on it and to further take photographs of this sacred rural town through a specially provided naranja filter.

Re^3: The History of Acme::Bleach and Acme::EyeDrops
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Apr 28, 2012 at 18:02 UTC

    Well, I'm gaining the distinct impression that acme was (and remains) a formidable player "behind the scenes" -- I suspect he was egging on DrHyde behind the scenes to upload Acme::Pony, for instance. So perhaps he was similarly urging Damian to please, please choose Acme as the new joke module namespace. :)

    However, I believe that Acme::Bleach was the first uploaded Acme module, at least that's what I see:

    • Backpan DCONWAY shows Bleach released on 21 Feb 2001 and Acme::Bleach on 21 May 2001
    • Backpan LBROCARD shows Buffy released on 1 Apr 2001 and Acme::Buffy on 23 May 2001
    • Backpan DCANTRELL shows Pony released on 3 Apr 2001 and Acme::Pony on 20 June 2001

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