Hi all!
I have a 2 columns file (position, value) and I want to create a sliding window of 10000 and calculate the average for each window.
My data is
position value
12498248 1.033560
12512575 0.566400
12513687 0.632940
12520106 0.232530
12523984 0.247300
12525383 1.487640
So far, I tried this code...but it doesn't work..
use warnings;
use strict;
use List::Util 'sum';
print '
Establish windows of 10kb and calculate the average Recomb Rate
my $recomb_all = $ARGV[0];
my @recomb_all = @{get_contents ($recomb_all)};
#Testing content
print "line 1 column 2 ::: $recomb_all[0][1]\n";
my $length = (scalar @recomb_all) - 1;
my @window;
my $window_size = 10000;
my $window_step = 10000;
my @average;
for (my $i = 0; ($i + $window_size - $window_step) <= $recomb_all[$len
+gth][0]; $i += $window_step) {
my $e = $i + $window_size;
if ($e > $recomb_all[$length][0]) {
$e = $recomb_all[$length][0];
push (@window, $recomb_all[$length][1]);
print "@window\n";
push (@average, $recomb_all[$length][0], my $av = average (@wi
#print "@window\n";
#print "@average\n";
sub get_contents {
my ( $file ) = @_;
my @contents;
open (FH, "< $file") or die "I cannot open $file file: $!\n";
my $x = 0;
while (<FH>) {
next unless /\S/;
next if /^\s*[A-Z]+/i;
@{$contents[$x]} = split /\s+/;
return (\@contents);
} # ---------- end of subroutine get_contents ----------
sub average {
my @array = @_;
return sum(@array) / @array;
I would really appreciate any help!