alison-g has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Greetings great and generous monks

I've inherited the task of extracting data from a mysql dbase.

My predecessor used this perl script called from a browser. It just keeps timing out - and I don't know if it's really a time out or a script error and I know nothing about perl and I can't get my cpanel shell access to work and they want the data yesterday and they are a non profit group recording marine creature sightings and have no money and AAARGH.

I thought the simplest way might just be to figure out what the mysql query equivalent would be then I can just run it directly on the dbase

<if that's even possible??

anywhere here is the code and insert relevant deity here bless youse all!!

#!/usr/bin/perl $whichmethod = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; if($whichmethod eq "GET"){ $forminfo = $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}; }else{ read(STDIN, $forminfo, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } @key_value_pairs = split(/&/,$forminfo); foreach $pair (@key_value_pairs){ ($key,$value) = split(/=/,$pair); $value =~ s/\+/ /g; $value =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg +; $FORM_DATA{$key} = $value; } $where_clause = $FORM_DATA{'where_clause'}; $group_clause = $FORM_DATA{'group_clause'}; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $cginame="http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}"; print "<form action='$cginame' method=post>\n"; print "<p><b>Enter the where clause (boolean condition)</b>:<br>"; print "For example, event <> \"Training\""; print "<textarea rows='3' cols='80' name=where_clause></textarea>\n"; print "<p><b>Enter the group clause (list of fields separated by #).</ +b><br>"; print "Potential fields are any from the rwsurvey, rwlit, rworganism, +rwlocation, rwRHSites, rwSeasons.<br>"; print "Examples are:<br>"; print "&nbsp;&nbsp;rh_name [Reef Health site name]"; print "&nbsp;&nbsp;year(date); month(date);<br>"; print "&nbsp;&nbsp;season; if(month(date)<12,year(date),year(date)+1) +[the year but with December included in the following year]<br>"; print "Therefore seasonal data summaries would be:<br>"; print "&nbsp;&nbsp;rh_name#if(month(date)<12,year(date),year(date)+1)# +season<br>"; print "<textarea rows='3' cols='80' name=group_clause></textarea>\n"; print "<br><input type=submit></form>\n"; die unless length($where_clause) > 0; $where_clause = "rwsurvey.type = 'LIT' and ".$where_clause; @groups = split('#',$group_clause); $group_clause = join(",",@groups); use DBI; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:reefwatch:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx", +"xxxxxxx"); if (!$dbh) { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:reefwatch:localhost", "root", "mysq +l"); die "Cannot connect: $D: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh; print "<p>Connected locally</p>"; } $linked_tables = "rwsurvey, rwlit, rworganism, rwRHSites, rwSeasons, r +wlocation where rwlit.organism_id = rworganism.org_id and +rvey_id = rwlit.survey_id and rwRHSites.site_id = rwsurvey.site_id an +d rwRHSites.exposure = rwsurvey.exposure and rwlocation.site_id = rws +urvey.site_id and season_id = if(month(date)>0,floor(month(date) % 12 +/3),-1) and "; $output_counter= 0; ############################################################ # # Get summary of surveys and metres for each group # ############################################################ $stmt = "select $group_clause, count(distinct rwlit.survey_id), count( +distinct CONCAT(rwsurvey.survey_id,'_',metre)) from $linked_tables $w +here_clause GROUP BY $group_clause"; #print "<p>$stmt"; #com $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) || print "Can't prepare $stmt: ".$dbh->err +str()."\n"; $sth->execute || print "can't execute the query: ".$sth->errstr()."\n" +; while (@res = $sth->fetchrow) { $line = join(',',@res); push (@group_val_list, $line); } #print @group_val_list; #com ############################################################ # # Extract the data for each group # ############################################################ foreach $line (@group_val_list) { $output_counter++; print "A,$output_counter,$line<br>"; @vals = split (/,/, $line); $last_id = $#vals - 2; @vals = @vals[0..$last_id]; $extra_clause = ""; for ($i=0; $i<=$#vals; $i++) { $extra_clause .= " and $groups[$i] = '$vals[$i]'"; } ############################################################ # # Type B: Raw data # ############################################################ $stmt = "SELECT rwsurvey.survey_id, metre, transition, code from $ +linked_tables $where_clause $extra_clause order by rwsurvey.survey_id +, metre, transition"; # print "<p>$stmt</p>"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) || print "Can't prepare $stmt: ".$dbh- +>errstr()."\n"; $sth->execute || print "can't execute the query: ".$sth->errstr(). +"\n"; $last_survey_id = -1; $total_metres = 0; $total_surveys = 0; undef %cover; while (($survey_id, $metre, $transition, $code) = $sth->fetchrow) { $output_counter++; print "B,$output_counter,$survey_id,$metre,$transition,$code<br>"; if ($survey_id != $last_survey_id) { $total_surveys++; if ($last_survey_id != -1) { $total_metres += ($last_metre - $min_metre + 1); } $last = ($metre-1)*100; $min_metre = $metre; if (($transition != 0) or ($code != 'START')) { $output_counter++; print "D,$output_counter,'Problem: $survey_id, $last_survey_id +, $transition, $code'<br>"; } } else { $current = ($metre-1) * 100 + $transition; $last_metre = $metre; $delta = $current - $last; #print "delta = $delta<br>"; $cover{$code} += $delta; if ($delta < 0) { $output_counter++; print "D,$output_counter,'Problem: negative $current, $last, $ +metre, $transition, $code'<br>"; } $last = $current; } $last_survey_id = $survey_id; } $total_metres += ($last_metre - $min_metre + 1); #print "<p>$total_surveys surveys (total of $total_metres metres)" +; ############################################################ # # Type C: Percentage cover # ############################################################ while (($lifeform, $total_length) = each(%cover)) { $percent_cover = sprintf("%0.1f",$total_length / $total_metres); $val_list = join(',', @vals); $output_counter++; print "C,$output_counter,$val_list,$lifeform,$total_length,$percen +t_cover<br>"; } }