mhearse has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I like using json for config files. It's easy on the eyes. But now I have a problem. I'm trying to figure out how to escape forward slashes (or anything that needs escaping). So that they are correctly interpreted by perl. Can someone help?
{ "regex" : { ".*/home/members/index.htm.*" : { "404" : { "reporting" : "1000", "paging" : "2000" } } } }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Regex in json: escaping forward slash
by Mr. Muskrat (Canon) on Aug 22, 2012 at 21:23 UTC

    How about you show us the code you're using to read that JSON? Then we can tell you how to make it work properly.

      #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use JSON; use Data::Dumper; my $contents = `cat progconfig.json`; my $config = JSON->new->decode($contents); print Dumper($config);

        But what's the problem? Maybe you could provide an example of how your code is failing to deal with '/' properly. In the following example I decode your sample JSON, grab the key that looks like a regular expression, compile it as a regular expression, and use it to perform a match.

        use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use constant KEY => 0; use constant VALUE => 1; my $json_string = <<'END_JSON'; { "regex" : { ".*/home/members/index.htm.*" : { "404" : { "reporting" : "1000", "paging" : "2000" } } } } END_JSON my @test_strings = qw( web/home/members/index.htm?garbage=bye /home/memberzzzz/index.htm?garbage=bye ); my $decoded_json = JSON->new->decode( $json_string ); # The regex is contained within a hash key. my $regex_string = (%{$decoded_json->{regex}})[KEY]; my $regex = qr/$regex_string/; foreach my $test_string ( @test_strings ) { if( $test_string =~ m/$regex/ ) { print "Bingo! [$test_string] matches the pattern '$regex_string'\n +"; } else { print "Boo! [$test_string] doesn't match the pattern '$regex_strin +g'\n"; } }

        No special escaping of '/' here. The qr// operator is convenient.


        That code doesn't exhibit the problem you are trying to solve. (It isn't trying to do anything that requires escaping the slashes.)


        $VAR1 = { 'regex' => { '.*/home/members/index.htm.*' => { '404' => { ' +reporting' => '1000', ' +paging' => '2000' } } } };

        Even when I use that key as a regex, it works for me.

        #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use Data::Dumper; my $contents = `cat progconfig.json`; my $config = JSON->new->decode($contents); my $re = (keys %{$config->{regex}})[0]; print "re: $re\n"; my $path = '/some/fake/path/home/members/index.html'; if ( $path =~ /$re/ ) { print "$path matched regex\n"; }


        re: .*/home/members/index.htm.* /some/fake/path/home/members/index.html matched regex