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These nodes all have stuff by ZlR (showing 51-100 out of ~142?):

Previous 50 Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
495743 Re: Running Windows executable on unix 2005-09-28 13:55
495150 Re: Moving files 2005-09-26 15:53
488577 Re^4: Removing keys in the registry (code) 2005-09-02 08:50
487449 Re: Obfu or another method? 2005-08-29 15:57
486484 Re^2: Removing keys in the registry (code) 2005-08-25 09:04
485183 Re^3: How do I kill a process tree in Windows 2005-08-19 15:36
478876 Re^4: OT: copy of Genomic Perl available... 2005-07-28 08:26
478507 Re: regular expression 2005-07-27 08:06
477835 Re: testing a remote Win32 service while being on a Solaris 2005-07-25 14:26
474471 Re: Speeding up large file processing 2005-07-13 09:00
474219 Re: Distributed File System Tree 2005-07-12 09:43
473887 Re: OT: copy of Genomic Perl available... 2005-07-11 10:22
469693 Re: Output Registry (Windows) by Exporting file 2005-06-24 13:19
464288 Re^4: Require all modules in lib ? 2005-06-07 13:17
464252 Re^2: Require all modules in lib ? 2005-06-07 12:07
464206 Require all modules in lib ? 2005-06-07 10:10
464184 Re^3: Install Proc::ProcessTable on windows by ppm 2005-06-07 08:27
464180 Re: reading from a text file 2005-06-07 08:11
463211 Re^2: Getting an array slice of value assignments in a hash 2005-06-03 10:38
459833 Re: PC to PC 2005-05-24 07:13
458554 Re: printing array values 2005-05-19 08:54
458146 Re: combining 2 files with a comon field 2005-05-18 10:58
457727 Re^2: Interpolation of file handles in print 2005-05-17 10:35
452833 Re: two questions about Win32::Process 2005-04-30 11:14
451482 Re: array manipulation 2005-04-26 10:11
445601 Re: Brothers Vars 2005-04-07 10:24
441505 Re^10: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 15:38
441492 Re^4: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 15:23
441485 Re^8: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 15:04
441463 Re^6: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 14:16
441451 Re^4: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 13:44
441427 Re^2: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 11:55
441424 Re^2: Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 11:35
441406 Calling a sub from a variable ? 2005-03-22 09:43
440327 Re: Need regexes with alternations in them for testing perl... 2005-03-17 10:34
440160 Re^3: Win32::PerfMon get no instances or objects name 2005-03-16 21:48
439573 Re: Win32::PerfMon get no instances or objects name 2005-03-15 09:29
438690 Re: character location question 2005-03-11 15:42
437218 Re^2: Solaris, Perl 5.8 and use 5.005 2005-03-07 14:28
437203 Re^2: Solaris, Perl 5.8 and use 5.005 2005-03-07 13:40
437199 Re^2: Solaris, Perl 5.8 and use 5.005 2005-03-07 13:27
437185 Solaris, Perl 5.8 and use 5.005 2005-03-07 12:38
436914 Re: slow generation 2005-03-05 16:05
436877 Re^3: How to use select 2005-03-05 10:21
436624 Re: Windows XP fun 2005-03-04 16:13
436490 Re: system() on Win32 2005-03-04 08:59
436489 Re: creating log file question 2005-03-04 08:54
436018 Re^5: Win32 capturing output from a process that may hang 2005-03-02 22:00
435907 Re^3: Win32 capturing output from a process that may hang 2005-03-02 16:38
435781 Re: Win32 capturing output from a process that may hang 2005-03-02 11:48
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