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Some years ago, I saw and bookmarked the discussion at Best way to store passwords, for making use of KeePass for accessing passwords in a perl script. I recently had a script where I was hardcoding a password to access one machine at $work which wouldn't allow me to set up ssh-key-based login, and decided to try to make it work with WWW::KeePassRest. I had it mostly working when I happened to glance again at the plugin page and noticed its license required a SmartFTP Ultimate or Enterprise license, which I didn't have. Since $work would frown on using unlicensed software, and I'm not making $work pay for a license just to access my free password manager's passwords for my own convenience, I deleted that KeePassRest plugin. Looking through the KeePass plugins list, I found a few that looked promising for me having the skills to communicate with, and I got my script at $work correctly interfacing with KeePassHttp.

I then took the same concepts, and re-wrote it at home with all the trappings of a public module and unit testing, and as of last night, released it to CPAN as WWW::KeePassHttp v0.01


WWW::KeePassHttp - Interface with KeePass PasswordSafe through the KeePassHttp plugin


use WWW::KeePassHttp; my $kph = WWW::KeePassHttp->new(Key => $key); $kph->associate() unless $kph->test_associate(); my $entries = $kph->get_logins($search_string); print "$_ => $entries->[0]{$_}\n" for qw/Name Login Password/;


Interface with KeePass PasswordSafe through the KeePassHttp plugin. Allows reading entries based on URL or TITLE. Allows creating a new entry as well.


You need to have KeePass (or compatible) on your system, with the KeePassHttp plugin installed.

Yes, I know that the returned entries should be objects rather than plain-old-hashes. That was the first issue I created as I was getting ready to release last night. I needed a sense of accomplishment, so decided to do a v0.01 release. Right now, the entry-object is my primary task before considering this module good enough for a "v1.0" release. But if anyone else has suggestions, let me know. Also, I don't have any of the linux ports for KeePass, so I don't know if the KeePassHttp plugin works on the linux port... but if it does, and if any of you could test with a live linux+KeePass+KeePassHttp system, that would be great.

I also had the fun when developing my test coverage of this being my first foray into mocking another module during testing: KeePassHttp uses HTTP requests for communicating with the plugin, but I didn't want to require that CI and smoketesting machines have KeePass+KeePassHttp installed and working before I could get test coverage. I really like Test::MockObject's ability to queue up a list of return values, so that I can easily define my list of HTTP::Tiny->get() replies without having to have an HTTP server available to give me the answers that I want to test.

In reply to Announcing WWW::KeePassHttp by pryrt

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