A more Perlish cleaner version might look like:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @row = map {chomp; [split '']} <DATA>;
my $visible;
die "Data too awful to contemplate\n" if @row < 2 || @{$row[0]} < 2;
for my $col (1 .. $#{$row[0]} - 1) {
my $tHigh = $row[0][$col];
my $bHigh = $row[-1][$col];
$visible += 2; # Edge trees always visible
for my $depth (1 .. $#row - 1) {
test(\$tHigh, \$row[$depth][$col]) if $tHigh != 9;
test(\$bHigh, \$row[-$depth - 1][$col]) if $bHigh != 9;
last if $tHigh == 9 && $bHigh == 9;
for my $rowIdx (1 .. $#row - 1) {
# Count down from top edge
my $lHigh = $row[$rowIdx][0];
my $rHigh = $row[$rowIdx][-1];
$visible += 2; # Edge trees always visible
for my $depth (1 .. $#row - 1) {
test(\$lHigh, \$row[$rowIdx][$depth]) if $lHigh != 9;
test(\$rHigh, \$row[$rowIdx][-$depth - 1]) if $rHigh != 9;
last if $lHigh == 9 && $rHigh == 9;
$visible += 4; # We didn't consider the corners so do that now.
print $visible;
sub test {
my ($highest, $cell) = @_;
return if $$highest >= $$cell;
if ($$cell !~ /\./) {
$$cell .= '.';
$$highest = $$cell;
return $$highest == 9;
which outputs 21 - the value suggested by the challenge. Note that is only deals correctly with rectangular forests containing 4 or more trees.
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