I have some news to share. It's possible for tybalt89's excellent optimization to run faster.
The optimization was made to "Check dead cells".
I don't believe your optimization of tybalt89's original code is correct.
At least, it does not pass my more rigorous tgol3.t test program, shown below.
Please test your solutions for correctness against this more thorough test
(in addition to the original simple tgol.t blinker test).
# tgol3.t - Simple lidka test of Conway Game of Life Organism class
use strict;
use warnings;
use Organism;
use Test::More;
my $nticks = 100;
my $ntests = 3 + ( $nticks + 1) * 2;
plan tests => $ntests;
sub test_one {
my $org = shift; # Organism handle
my $desc = shift; # Test description
my $nexpected = shift; # Expected cell count
# my $expected = shift; # Array ref of (sorted) expected cells
my @cells = $org->get_live_cells();
my $ncells = $org->count();
cmp_ok( $ncells, '==', $nexpected, "$desc cell count ($ncells)" );
cmp_ok( scalar(@cells), '==', $nexpected, "$desc cell array count"
# is_deeply( \@cells, $expected, "$desc cell array" );
# Test first 100 ticks from famous lidka methuselah
# See: http://conwaylife.com/wiki/Lidka
my @lidka_ticks = (
13, # [ 0] initial count
15, # [ 1]
15, # [ 2]
19, # [ 3]
19, # [ 4]
23, # [ 5]
23, # [ 6]
32, # [ 7]
29, # [ 8]
47, # [ 9]
27, # [10]
32, # [11]
36, # [12]
42, # [13]
48, # [14]
48, # [15]
46, # [16]
60, # [17]
54, # [18]
56, # [19]
64, # [20]
86, # [21]
64, # [22]
74, # [23]
70, # [24]
68, # [25]
52, # [26]
58, # [27]
50, # [28]
44, # [29]
50, # [30]
54, # [31]
80, # [32]
50, # [33]
54, # [34]
56, # [35]
54, # [36]
62, # [37]
50, # [38]
58, # [39]
56, # [40]
70, # [41]
60, # [42]
48, # [43]
52, # [44]
56, # [45]
72, # [46]
70, # [47]
68, # [48]
78, # [49]
86, # [50]
82, # [51]
93, # [52]
98, # [53]
94, # [54]
110, # [55]
87, # [56]
95, # [57]
79, # [58]
88, # [59]
80, # [60]
69, # [61]
76, # [62]
91, # [63]
89, # [64]
93, # [65]
112, # [66]
108, # [67]
140, # [68]
129, # [69]
157, # [70]
138, # [71]
147, # [72]
129, # [73]
111, # [74]
101, # [75]
105, # [76]
98, # [77]
117, # [78]
106, # [79]
114, # [80]
131, # [81]
124, # [82]
132, # [83]
118, # [84]
128, # [85]
133, # [86]
128, # [87]
140, # [88]
129, # [89]
126, # [90]
140, # [91]
147, # [92]
168, # [93]
163, # [94]
174, # [95]
164, # [96]
170, # [97]
152, # [98]
150, # [99]
144, # [100]
# Lidka cells after 100 ticks
my @lidka100 = (
[ -29, 2 ], # 1-10
[ -28, 1 ],
[ -28, 2 ],
[ -28, 3 ],
[ -27, 0 ],
[ -27, 4 ],
[ -26, 0 ],
[ -26, 1 ],
[ -26, 4 ],
[ -26, 5 ],
[ -25, 3 ], # 10-20
[ -25, 4 ],
[ -24, 2 ],
[ -24, 3 ],
[ -23, 1 ],
[ -23, 2 ],
[ -22, 0 ],
[ -21, 0 ],
[ -21, 1 ],
[ -17, -2 ],
[ -17, -1 ], # 20-30
[ -16, -2 ],
[ -16, -1 ],
[ -12, 8 ],
[ -11, 9 ],
[ -11, 10 ],
[ -11, 16 ],
[ -11, 17 ],
[ -10, 8 ],
[ -10, 9 ],
[ -10, 10 ], # 30-40
[ -10, 15 ],
[ -10, 16 ],
[ -10, 18 ],
[ -10, 19 ],
[ -9, 18 ],
[ -9, 19 ],
[ -8, 13 ],
[ -8, 18 ],
[ -8, 19 ],
[ -7, 12 ], # 40-50
[ -6, -19 ],
[ -6, -18 ],
[ -6, 16 ],
[ -6, 17 ],
[ -5, -19 ],
[ -5, -17 ],
[ -5, 12 ],
[ -5, 16 ],
[ -5, 17 ],
[ -4, -19 ], # 50-60
[ -4, 13 ],
[ -4, 14 ],
[ -4, 15 ],
[ -4, 16 ],
[ -4, 18 ],
[ -3, 14 ],
[ -3, 15 ],
[ -3, 18 ],
[ -2, 17 ],
[ -2, 18 ], # 60-70
[ -1, -13 ],
[ -1, 6 ],
[ 0, -14 ],
[ 0, -13 ],
[ 0, -12 ],
[ 0, 5 ],
[ 0, 6 ],
[ 0, 7 ],
[ 1, -15 ],
[ 1, -14 ], # 70-80
[ 1, -12 ],
[ 1, 6 ],
[ 1, 9 ],
[ 1, 10 ],
[ 2, -22 ],
[ 2, -15 ],
[ 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 6 ],
[ 3, -22 ],
[ 3, -16 ], # 80-90
[ 3, 2 ],
[ 3, 3 ],
[ 3, 4 ],
[ 3, 5 ],
[ 3, 9 ],
[ 4, -22 ],
[ 4, -17 ],
[ 4, -16 ],
[ 4, -15 ],
[ 4, -12 ], # 90-100
[ 4, -11 ],
[ 4, 3 ],
[ 4, 8 ],
[ 5, -16 ],
[ 5, -14 ],
[ 5, -12 ],
[ 5, 7 ],
[ 6, -16 ],
[ 6, -15 ],
[ 6, -14 ], # 100-110
[ 6, 4 ],
[ 6, 6 ],
[ 7, -15 ],
[ 7, -14 ],
[ 7, 4 ],
[ 7, 12 ],
[ 7, 13 ],
[ 8, -14 ],
[ 8, 12 ],
[ 8, 13 ], # 110-120
[ 9, -14 ],
[ 9, -13 ],
[ 9, -4 ],
[ 9, -2 ],
[ 9, 10 ],
[ 9, 11 ],
[ 10, -5 ],
[ 10, -1 ],
[ 10, 10 ],
[ 10, 11 ], # 120-130
[ 11, -1 ],
[ 11, 0 ],
[ 12, -7 ],
[ 12, -1 ],
[ 12, 0 ],
[ 13, -8 ],
[ 13, -7 ],
[ 13, -3 ],
[ 13, -2 ],
[ 13, -1 ], # 130-140
[ 14, -8 ],
[ 14, -3 ],
[ 14, -2 ],
[ 14, 1 ],
[ 15, -7 ],
[ 15, -6 ],
[ 15, -5 ],
[ 15, -1 ],
[ 15, 0 ],
[ 15, 1 ], # 140-144
[ 16, -7 ],
[ 16, -6 ],
[ 16, -5 ],
my @slidka100 = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @l
# Lidka starting pattern
my @lidka0 = (
[ -3, -7 ],
[ -4, -6 ],
[ -2, -6 ],
[ -3, -5 ],
[ 4, 3 ],
[ 2, 4 ],
[ 4, 4 ],
[ 1, 5 ],
[ 2, 5 ],
[ 4, 5 ],
[ 0, 7 ],
[ 1, 7 ],
[ 2, 7 ],
my @slidka0 = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @lid
# Initial cell array
my $org = Organism->new();
my @cells = $org->get_live_cells();
is_deeply( \@cells, \@slidka0, "lidka initial cell array" );
test_one( $org, "lidka 0", $lidka_ticks[0] );
# Test first 100 ticks
for my $i ( 1 .. $nticks ) {
test_one( $org, "lidka $i", $lidka_ticks[$i] );
# Final cell array
my @cells = $org->get_live_cells();
cmp_ok( scalar(@cells), '==', $lidka_ticks[100], "lidka final array
+ count" );
is_deeply( \@cells, \@slidka100, "lidka final cell array" );
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