Hello mxb and thanks!
I must admit first I'm looking at PDL and at your work in the same way a, let say, an hystorician can look at a Stephen Hawking movie: very interesting but I do not understand nothing.. ;=)
That said, I've used a strawberry perl perl-5.26.64bit-PDL version (portable 5.26 failed installing PDL at Inline::C step ) and I got (just once before time zero generation):
Possible precedence problem on bitwise & operator at pdl-gameoflife.pl
+ line 24, <DATA> line 207.
Possible precedence problem on bitwise | operator at pdl-gameoflife.pl
+ line 25, <DATA> line 207.
I poked it a bit ( reading PDL::FAQ too: good think to link to FAQ from errors!)
and the following version, with parens superfetation, gives no warnings:
return ( ($tmp == 4) & ($pdl == 1) ) | # Alive +3 neighbors
( $tmp == 3); # Alive +2 neighbors or dead +3 neighbors
Just my 2 neurocents.. I'll stay tuned looking for your precious nodes!
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