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I'm sure I must be missing the problem at hand to a certain extent, but have you looked at the m option for regular expression matches which allows for multi-line matches. For example, the regular expression match for the sample match given may look something like the following - \/\^\\\n.+C - to match:
This regular expression can be used in conjunction with the multi-line match option for regular expressions as follows, similar to how one would use the case-insensitive option for regular expressions:
For further information see perlman:perlre
Update - This regular expression has been tested and does work. The effectiveness of a multi-line regular expression match can be tailored within the regular expression itself - That is, the more specific which you make your regular expression, the greater the specificity of the match, but as with all targeted solutions, there is a trade-off between sensitivity and specificity.
In reply to Re: Two-dimensional match/regex?
by rob_au