db provides a very different interface and structure than
SQL-based databases, and that involves thinking about
things differently. Depending on what you need, either
might be a good design decision. Generally, SQL databases
tend to be more engineered, with all sorts of nice features
like scalability, security, and easy running of complex
queries. If your data isn't quite flat, then SQL databases are
an excellent match. However, they are more complex than the
db, and if all you're trying to get is some form of persistant
data, then they're probably the wrong solution.
SQL databases are table-driven, whereas dbfiles are
best thought of as being like a perl hash. If you're trying
to model several things that have structured relationships
between each other, perhaps data about employees, positions,
salaries, offices, and dependants, storing information
both about the individual things and links between them,
SQL is great for that. You could easily write a query
that finds employees from the boston office with 2 kids
who make less than $40k/yr.
WHERE EMPS.empid = PAY.empid AND PAY.sal < 40000 AND
EMPS.locid = OFFICES.depid AND OFFICES.name = 'Boston'
= EMPS.empid);
It's possible to model this
kind of stuff in dbfiles, of course, but it likely will
be slower, and doing queries will be a pain.
Some of the advanced features in SQL databases, such as
nice backup, replication, BLOBs (storing arbitrary files
in the database in a column), and similar can be really
The downside to SQL is that it requires more thought, and
if you don't want to spend the time writing your queries or
designing tables, it's definitely not for you.
In sum, you can think of SQL as being like a nice car, and
file db as being like a bike. Their purposes arn't entirely
the same, cars are more powerful and essential for some
purposes, but require entering a certain frame of mind,
and their features are overkill if all you want to do is
ride around the neighborhood.
I hope this helps..
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