An idea, would be to give experience based on certain things. One such thing would be to have a book published by O'Reilly creditting you. You could get like, 1/2pt per page. Another would be to have a perl distribution with your work in it. Getting points based on what you contributed (but by module, not by kblock, as we all know that that is an ineffective metric).
All in all, however, I think that participation in the SITE must be MANDATORY to have high experience. It would not be fair to give Larry Wall credit for being very devoted to a site that he never visits (not that I am saying that he never visits here, what I am saying, is that if he weren't to, he wouldn't deserve to be creditted with contributing majorly to this site, no matter what debt of gratitude we owe him for coming up with the language.)
Everything said, give credit where credit is due, but don't just make people saints because they are saints emeritus. Perhaps a Saint Emeritus status would be in order. Universities give degrees to emeriti who have not completed programs because they feel that they have contributed significantly to a field of study. Perhaps a Saint Emeritus status is in order. Emeritus does not mean that one actually participated in the afformentioned program though, and is not the same as regular sainthood, but conveys a level of respect for the individual, perhaps even greater than have actually earning it through regular channels.
Just Another Perl Hacker
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