Well, let's try to make a purse out of the sow's ear. There are some grains of truth in the above. The stuff about development is clearly rubbish, but some of the other stuff does ring a little true.
There is probably more PHP stuff around the 'net at the moment. There is some really horrible code (worse than MSA), but it is at least voluminous. I think PHP definitely has mindshare, if not marketshare, and the development of PHP is probably more rapid than Perl.
PHP is almost always easier to deploy. It is more widely supported on ISP webservers (at least in the UK), and if you want a big app it's also a lot quicker (you run up against the limits of CGI quite quickly with OO/database code, and getting access to a mod_perl server is hard - very few ISPs run it, since it's so difficult to manage).
Lord knows I've been shot down on these forums enough times for suggesting that PHP might not be a worthwhile language, but the truth of the matter - as the paper Courage linked to discusses - PHP is a truly horrible language. It's only widely supported because running mod_php is a cinch: if there was a usable, supported mod_whatever than ran Apache::ASP or something it would instantly 0wn, because Perl is 100x a better language than PHP. PHP makes me want to pull my teeth out. It makes others feel the same too. Yet, we continue to develop in it - it's not out of love of the language, I assure you.
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