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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Some quick thoughts:

  • The XML Node thread ticker should provide an option to provide a flat list directly.
  • Ill look into making a RAT ticker. I have a feeling expecting anyone else to do it is kinda like asking them to pull out their own toenails. :-)
  • Most of my efforts have been regarding things like search internal code, and facilitating such tasks as synchronizing the pmdev server with the master. Likewise with correctly using the private message ticker, et all.
  • Im not sure if webscraping and XML parsing code should live in the same place, im not saying it shouldnt Im just wondering why it should. :-)
  • Support for multiple users?
  • XP and level info can be obtained from the User XP XML ticker with the correct option specified.
  • Generally speaking I would prefer that if you have issues that you need to workaround with a given ticker that you let me know and we change the ticker.

This is stream of consciousness stuff here, so take it all with a grain of salt. Also I may update this as more stuff occurs to me.


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