I was playing around with pack/unpack (for other purposes than obfuscation) and came up with this :)
$/=undef;$d=<DATA>;$d=~s/\s//g;eval unpack"a*",pack
"H*",join"",reverse split/(..)/,substr$d,0,128;&$a(
join"",reverse split/(..)/,substr$d,128);
520746e6 9727 07b6 27 57 3 3d6
1240a3b6 269 6 c5a 3a3a7 3 73657 2 706d6f4 32065 73
754e4669 be 03f 98 103f4 f f6fa0 7 e3ff6f1 11579 9c
75c825e8 b 6a2a7 1 de 8a 9b2 f81
21 edbb 3 0 2188e 0 ed701 8 6bd67b4 06b 9579
9d af2d 3 f5461 2 caced c c5309 a f585397 51c1 0bb
e37 37 937ee 2 cd c8 b 66e61 c7
af53a5fddd8 bdd285 fd f67 90 2e69 cd20e0367dbb
5177bdbc2e3 75 ad b 5edc1 d c2f9 e ace bcc675236356b
5a1e1b24d6c 8a a6 c edbd9 2 261a951 4d 3ca4bbb55e0c71
87482f9474e 94 60 3 18478 b 125680e ac8b6bb3e71f61d
851f5ae6bbb 3e 8e 3 ac1ac f 08ac917 c4 18dababf9c5c00
6fd2c97d5d1 12 50 8 d4b1a a 7c56 d 76c 341a172890c5f
9bdfdc0ae4eb 8e b50 264 6b 1d6f f3889b5b8f8a
/brother t0mas
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