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The stupid question is the question not asked | |
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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Nope. I don't want someone writing a Perl module who is merely experienced at "more actively interfacing" with their computer, which to me just sounds like
a "power user".
I want a "programmer". Someone who can imagine what all the variables are doing simultaneously, and can think logical steps, and play out "what ifs". And can write robustly, knowing that people will misinterpret the interface specs. And can write good unit tests, and understand version creep and flag days and why those are bad. And why "objects" is not the cure all. That's a programmer, and I'm happy that the word scares off some people. Because it should. I don't want someone to "step up" from writing an Excel macro to writing control software for the plane I'm riding in. It's not a simple step. It's not even on the same scale. Feel free to "more actively interface" with the computer in the privacy of your own cube, but don't make me ever have to run your code or maintain it. Because, by goodness, I'd probably rather throw it away. Good programming is an art. Parts of it, you can get from learning. Parts of it come from experience. But parts of it seem to be just being wired the right way. And yes, most of the population is not wired the right way. I truly see that over and over again. -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker In reply to On being a programmer
by merlyn