However, from my humble point of view it seems to me that if indeed they aren't wired the right way there's a problem with the interface not the people.
Nope. Some people just don't get abstraction or clear sequential logic, or many of the other things necessary to write maintainable, practical code.
Ever ask someone for directions to a place you're unfamiliar with, and end
up totally lost? Probably because that person couldn't give clear directions, ever.
Some people just can't do that.
And some people just can't program. It's not the interface. It's the person.
There's no moral statement here. It's just an attribute. I can't draw a picture worth beans. Am I less smart because of that? No. I just stick to programming, and hire the people who can draw and can't program. {grin}
-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
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