i cooked this up a few months ago using Module::Dependency::Indexer ...
## Usage:
# find_perl_dependencies.pl <DIR>
use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::Dependency::Indexer;
use Module::Dependency::Info;
my $start_dir = $ARGV[0] || '.';
my $dpidx = Module::Dependency::Info::retrieveIndex();
my $all = $dpidx->{allobjects};
my @todo = map { @{ $all->{$_}->{depends_on} } }
grep { exists $all->{$_}->{depends_on} }
keys %$all;
my @modules;
my %seen;
while (my $pm = shift @todo) {
next if $seen{$pm}++;
push @modules, $pm;
next unless exists $all->{$pm} and exists $all->{$pm}->{depends_on
my @reqs = grep { !$seen{$_} } @{ $all->{$pm}->{depends_on} };
push @todo, @reqs;
print "$_\n" foreach sort @modules;
comments welcome..
updated to add sample output:
when run in a directory containing only this script:
% perl find_perl_dependencies.pl .
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