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Ask longer questions in Seekers of Perl Wisdom.
Read questions others have asked in Seekers of Perl Wisdom and see what you can answer, what you understand, what you don't understand but would like to and what stimulates creative juices.
Write lots of Perl code!
It will help a lot to know about Data::Dumper for understanding how complicated data structures hang together. Always use strictures (use strict; use warnings;).
And probably most importantly: think about the questions you ask, take time to format your nodes nicely (people often ignore messy questions) and take the time to understand the answers you get and read any follow up material that is suggested.
True laziness is hard work
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Titles consisting of a single word are discouraged, and in most cases are disallowed outright.
Read Where should I post X? if you're not absolutely sure you're posting in the right place.
Please read these before you post! —
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See Writeup Formatting Tips and other pages linked from there for more info.