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But if I think of it I will never be able to measure up to the trolling standards that you have set here

How very clever of you to realize this! But then you go on and try anyway...not so clever!

But we were talking about you, not me. I don't want to steal your spot-light, that would be mean because you work so hard to get it. In truth, I thought you wanted to forget about the past and move on, so I didn't spell out your past in detail. But if you want to talk about past postings, I'll give our eager listeners an overview:
- Act 1: spx2 is a dickhead on perlmonks.
- Act 2 (in the CB):
spx2: Bwahaa, I was a dickhead, and now some big influential PERL person is angry at me. I need to delete my account and everything, or I'll never get a job again.
everybody: Dude, chill, just behave more nicely from now on and people will forget and forgive
spx2: (sniffles and moans some more)
- Act 3: spx2 is a dickhead on perlmonks.

Doesn't sound like you learned much. And writing stupid comments to my older posts doesn't help to lower your dickheaderyscore.

Let me put together a sample of your creation in a previous post for posterity

Hmm, you know, "put together" isn't synonimous with "copy verbatim"...and are you sure you know what posterity means? Cos my old post is just as accessible as your copy... oh...waaait...I understand! You're him, aren't you? Everything becomes so clear now...

But while we're at this, it would be remiss of me to spare our delighted audience the two hilarious quotes you sent me via PM:

spx2: hm, maybe you don't understand sarcasm...
Yes, very true, the post you quoted shows that I don't. It is cruel to point out the deficiencies of others.

spx2: also, why do you bring up something I wrote in the chatterbox ? do you not respect privacy in any form or ... ?
Do I still have to answer that? No, I don't think so, I'll just point a finger and laugh at anybody who thinks that what they wrote in the chatterbox is "private".

Bye now, and sleep tight.
signed: Trolltroller Rex

In reply to Re^6: Question about defined loop by IBlowGoatsSucker
in thread Question about defined loop by siddheshsawant

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