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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Since the Perl has been commented on enough, I will comment on the Lisp.

First of all I suspect that delay is not doing what you think it is doing. For a start in, say, Common Lisp your code crashes and burns because delay is a special form in Scheme, but not Common Lisp. But beyond that delay is meant to be used with force, which you are not doing. If you look at this description you will find that when you use a delay without force the result is implementation dependent, but may be indistinguishable from the immediate value. Even if it is not indistinguishable, the code will run at most once and be memoized.

Therefore your Lisp code is more portably and less deceptively written as:

(setq closure (setq z (+ 2 2))) (eval closure) ;;; works
because the code that defined closure is now evaluated by having been used, and further "evals" of it should no longer affect the value of z. (ie The promise set up by delay in your code was redeemed in handing a 4 to eval. Further evals will continue to eval 4, but will not run the promise again.)

Furthermore if you try to make the Lisp more like the Perl, for instance by making closure an anonymous function, you will find that the call semantics no longer work through an eval. As people have pointed out, that is because your Perl appears to reflect a deep misunderstanding about what all of these programming constructs should be doing.

So while I believe that Lisp is more evaluatable than Perl, I do not think this is an example that illustrates the principle.

BTW further stylistic points. In Lisp it is considered bad style to write code with side effects. As the advice goes, pretend that operations like setq have a penalty for use, and try to avoid them. Your pretend example of trying to set up a closure that will modify a global at a later date is indescribably bad - I would shudder to face code like that. In any language.

Secondly in Lisp it is almost never a good idea to actually use eval. Use macros instead. Just as much power delivered in a more structured form.

What both of these points get at is that writing debuggable code is a good idea. You seem to evaluate constructs on the basis of their ability to get very complex. You seem to entirely discount any notions that lead to debuggable code. I am coming to the conclusion that if the general programming world judged like you seem to, then goto would have never fallen out of favour...

In reply to Re (tilly) 1: Lisp is More Evaluatable by tilly
in thread Lisp is More Evaluatable by princepawn

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