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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Hi chromatic,
thanks for your work! Here are my review comments (caution: not from a native speaker):

Chapter 1:
3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence:
I find the wording (Its design goals ...) a bit complicated and hard to swallow.

4th paragraph, typo:
philsophies -> philosophies

5th paragraph in section 'Perldoc':
It describes each section of the documentation
instead of
It describes each section of documentation

1st paragraph, 2nd sentence of section 'Expressivity':
I do not understand the phrase
... inform Perl's design
I suggest
... influenced Perl's design

3rd paragraph, 1st sentence (yes, but please let this style be the absolute exception, thank you :-)

1st sentence of section 'Void, Scalar, and List Context'
The wording 'One of the axes' suggests orthogonality to me, as if there were (pure) arrays of strings as well as (pure) arrays of numbers. Since there are only arrays of scalars, I would phrase that as 'One of the aspects'.

Regarding the marked text 'Check how many other string functions this includes?' in section 'The Default Scalar Variable'; this question is answered in the book 'Effective Perl Programming', 2nd ed., on page 58

9th paragraph (Note that ...)
I suggest
must compare always two elements of its list
instead of
must process the elements of its list two at a time.

Chapter 3:
3rd sentence in section 'Variable Naming', typo
instead of

In reply to Re: Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft by hexcoder
in thread Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft by chromatic

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