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ch 1, Perldoc: I think the windozers might appreciate a note that ActivePerl (and probably other distributions) contains and keeps updated a HTML version of the docs they can browse, accessible from the Start menu. And possibly even that they can create a simple batch like this: store it in a directory that's in PATH and then pdoc ... will render the documentation in HTML and open it in their favorite browser. I think they'll find that easier to read than if they stay restricted to the shell window. ch 1, Implicit ideas, The Default Scalar Variable: "the three-argument form of print and say"??? print FILEHANDLE "text"; has just two arguments. In either case I would not talk about N-argument form of print/say, it's not the number of arguments that matters. print/say simply uses $_ only if passed no arguments. Fullstop. ch 1, The Default Array Variables: s/Another default variable is available inside Perl subroutines; this is \@_\./Another default variable available inside Perl subroutines is @_./; Jenda In reply to Re: Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft
by Jenda