Excellent tutorial! The only problem is that I've gotten errors from the regex on three different unixes. I've quadruple-checked my syntax, so i don't think it's that.
the program I'm using with the the module is ...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib(".");
use Uptime;
my $uptime;
tie $uptime, 'Uptime';
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "uptime:\t", $uptime->uptime);
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "users:\t", $uptime->users);
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "load(1):\t", $uptime->load('one'));
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "load(5):\t", $uptime->load('five'));
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "load(15):\t", $uptime->load('fifteen'));
printf("%20s%-20s\n", "string:\t", $uptime->as_string);
... and the output I get on an AIX system, a Solaris system, and a Darwin system, is ...
uptime: 21 days, 8:02
Use of uninitialized value in printf at ./dumpuptime.pl line 14.
load(1): 1
load(5): 0.04
load(15): 0.03
string: 20:39pm up 21 days, 8:02, 1 users, load
+average: 0.04, 0.03, 0.04
Do I have something wrong, or is the regex in the tutoral off? Thanks, -s-
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