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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Why approve something you...

  1. didn't bother to finish reading?
  2. didn't think met the standards you feel SoPWs should?
  3. weren't willing to try and correct it FIRST by sending the OP a private /msg?

Instead you decided to continue your pastime of publicly shaming new members when their (often very first question) doesn't stack up to your standards. Is it really necessary to consistently play "Kick the Newbie" several times a week — week after week? Maybe I'm in the minority, but I really don't think it is. Yet you continue to do so when it doesn't seem to have the end result you claim to be trying to accomplish (Improving the quality of questions from new members).

I honestly don't see a whole lot wrong with the OP's question and thought it had potential to start an interesting discussion. Is it a great question? No. But if asking great questions is favored over assisting people with their (Perl) programming problems — what's the point? There were numerous, far more helpful answers you could have given the OP. All they asked for was some help with brainstorming. If you couldn't think of ideas, didn't find the question interesting or to your standards — PLEASE IGNORE IT.

"...the adversities born of well-placed thoughts should be considered mercies rather than misfortunes." — Don Quixote

In reply to Re^2: In need of guidance by luis.roca
in thread In need of guidance by Ekimino

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