good chemistry is complicated, and a little bit messy -LW |
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As he knows, I greatly admire much of what luis.roca has done in his brief tenure as a Monk. Hence, for him, a more detailed reply has been provided by message. Of course, that has the defect of restricting the positions I expressed to the addressee only (unless he decides to post the messages, of course), which would be admirable in terms of laying those out for future readers -- who may or may not agree -- but the defect of laying the writer our to public shaming for use of abbreviations, loose language, etc, to convey those ideas in a limited message box. The essence of my reply -- in my view -- is that it offers several constructive suggestions, in language which may be direct enough to penetrate the skull of an OP who chose to make NO visible effort on his own. In reply to Re^3: In need of guidance
by ww