#!/usr/bin/perl # assignq1 # Q1 You are to write a script (or suite of scripts) that will perform the following # administrative tasks. # The script is to take as an argument a directory. It is to search the directory's files # and perform the following. # A) htm files are to be renamed html. # B) any references to http within an htm/html file are to be changed to https. # C) any html tags within html files are to be converted to upper case # (you may assume that <>s are used exclusively to identify html tags). # D) record in a log file each file that has been modified. # Additional tasks for additional credit # Your script is to work recursively through any sub-directories # Your script will not convert to upper case any SRC attributes of a tag # Your log file will record each tag converted by your program # Data validation (really this should be part of the main spec!!!!) // This is what I have started to do but is wrong I think??? print "Enter in only a directory name" $dirname = <>; chomp $dirname; if ( -d $dirname) { print "$dirname is a directory thankyou \n"; opendir(DIR, $dirname); @filenames = readdir(DIR); print"Directory is a $dirname \n"; foreach $filename(@filenames) { chomp ($filename); if (-d $dirname