void $scalar @array %hash scalar @array @array[0, 2] list %hash &sub number, string, reference, undef \ references $@%& dereference [] anon. arrayref {} anon. hashref \() list of refs = = perl.plover.com + search.cpan.org ++ -- == != eq ne cpan.org ** < > <= >= lt gt le ge pm.org ! \ u+ u- <=> cmp tpj.com !~ perldoc.com * / % x + - . for (LIST) { }, while ( ) { }, until ( ) { } named uops if ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { } < > <= >= lt gt le ge unless ( ) { } elsif ( ) { } else { } == != <=> eq ne cmp && ^ string begin || .. + one or more * zero or more = += -= *= etc. ? zero or one , list ops () capture not and \s == [\x20\f\t\r\n] or xor | alternation \w == [A-Za-z0-9_] \b word boundary \d == [0-9] \S, \W and \D negate use strict; use warnings; "$foo" perl.com my $var; $$variable_name perlmonks.org open() or die $!; `$userinput` use.perl.org use Modules; /$userinput/ perl.apache.org parrotcode.org stat localtime caller 0 dev 0 second 0 package $_ default variable 1 ino 1 minute 1 filename 2 mode 2 hour 2 line 3 nlink 3 day 3 subroutine 4 uid 4 month-1 4 hasargs 5 gid 5 year-1900 5 wantarray 6 rdev 6 weekday 6 evaltext 7 size 7 yearday 7 is_require 8 atime 8 is_dst 8 hints 9 mtime 9 bitmask @ARGV command line args 10 ctime just use @INC include paths 11 blksz POSIX:: 3..9 only @_ subroutine args 12 blcks strftime! with EXPR %ENV environment