use strict; use warnings; use Curses::UI '0.9609'; my $cui = Curses::UI->new( -color_support => 1, -clear_on_exit => 1 ); $cui->set_binding( sub { $cui->mainloopExit() }, "\cC" ); # Colors my $co = $Curses::UI::color_object; $co->define_color( 'wh', 999, 999, 999 ); # range [1, 999] # For some reason, I don't seem to be able to mix # standard colors with custom colors. $co->define_color( 'orange', 999, 599, 1 ); my $FG = 'wh'; my $BG = 'orange'; my @COLORS = ( ( map { ; $_ => $BG } qw(-bg -tbg -bbg -sbg) ), ( map { ; $_ => $FG } qw(-fg -tfg -bfg -sfg) ) ); $cui->set_color_fg($FG); $cui->set_color_bg($BG); # Widgets my $win = $cui->add( 'main-window', 'Window', -border => 1, -title => "Ce n'est pas une fenetre", -titlefullwidth => 1, @COLORS, ); $win->add( 'help', 'Label', -y => 1, -width => -1, -reverse => 1, -paddingspaces => 1, -text => "Howdy! Press Ctl-C to exit.", @COLORS, ); $cui->mainloop; $cui->leave_curses;