# getRowsLazy :: DB_Handle -> (String -> String -> ()) -> (SQLQuery -> {':parm1' => value, ...} -> [[DBType, ..., DBType]]) # Closure on $dbh, lazy version and partial application on the first two params # # ex: my $dbh = ...DBI connect... my $getRows = F::getRowsLazy($dbh, sub { myErrFun($[0], $[1], $MY_FUN_NAME, $MY_TRACE_LEVEL) } ); # ... # my $iter = $getRows->("select * from device_param where ID=:id", {':id' => 123456}); # while (my $row = $iter->()) { # print $row->[0] . ", " . $row->[1] . "\n"; # } # sub F::getRowsLazy { my ($dbh, $errFun); return sub { my ($sql,$p) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || $errFun->("Error in DBI::prepare", $dbh->errstr() ); while (my ($k,$v) = each(%$p)) {$sth->bind_param($k, $v);} $sth->execute() || $errFun->("Error in DBI::execute", $dbh->errstr() ); my $yield = sub { my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref; if ($row) {return $row;} $sth->finish(); return undef; }; return $yield; # the call to $yield->() returns a reference; doesn't work with array, but I don't know way } };