#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.36; # implies use warnings my $target_weight = shift // die 'need target_weight'; # Starting weights my @weights = ( 20, 3, 25, 10, 3, 24, 25 ); say "Before:\n" . display( \@weights ); shrink( \@weights, $target_weight ); say "After:\n" . display( \@weights ); # shrink($bags, $target_weight) # # $bags = ref. to array of bag weights # $target_weight = maximum allowed weight of all bags # # If bags exceed target_weight, lighten the bags to achieve target by # lightening the heaviest bags first. no warnings q/experimental::for_list/; no warnings q/experimental::builtin/; use builtin qw/indexed/; use List::Util qw/sum/; sub shrink ( $bags, $target_weight, $curr_weight = undef ) { # Outer call only: if ( not defined $curr_weight ) { $curr_weight = sum @$bags; # quick exit if no shrink req'd return if ( $curr_weight <= $target_weight ); # copy input array and sort by weight, descending my @indexed_weights; for my ( $i, $wt ) ( indexed @$bags ){ push @indexed_weights, [ $i, $wt ]; } @indexed_weights = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @indexed_weights; # split indexes and weights into two arrays my @sorted_indexes = map { $_->[0] } @indexed_weights; my @sorted_weights = map { $_->[1] } @indexed_weights; say "Sorted:\n" . display( \@sorted_weights ); shrink( \@sorted_weights, $target_weight, $curr_weight ); # Deliver de-sorted result to caller for my ( $i, $wt ) ( indexed @sorted_weights ) { $bags->[ $sorted_indexes[$i] ] = $wt; } return; } # For inner call: return if ( $curr_weight <= $target_weight ); my $nbags = scalar @$bags; my $heaviest = $bags->[0]; # weight of heaviest bag # Count the heaviest bags and also find the next-heaviest my $n_of_heaviest; my $next_heaviest; COUNT: for ( 1 .. $nbags - 1 ) { if ( $bags->[$_] < $heaviest ) { $n_of_heaviest = $_; $next_heaviest = $bags->[$_]; last COUNT; } } $n_of_heaviest //= $nbags; $next_heaviest //= 0; my $loss = $heaviest - $next_heaviest; my $total_loss = $loss * $n_of_heaviest; if ( $curr_weight - $total_loss >= $target_weight ) { $curr_weight -= $total_loss; $bags->[$_] -= $loss for ( 0 .. $n_of_heaviest - 1 ); say "Reduce bags #0-#" . ( $n_of_heaviest - 1 ) . " by $loss to weight of next_heaviest, " . "$next_heaviest:\n" . display($bags); shrink( $bags, $target_weight, $curr_weight ); } else { # Need to do an equally-distributed shrink of the heaviest # bags to hit the target use integer; my $target_loss = $curr_weight - $target_weight; my $div = $target_loss / $n_of_heaviest; my $rem = $target_loss % $n_of_heaviest; for my $i ( -( $n_of_heaviest - 1 ) .. 0 ) { $loss = $div + ( $rem-- > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); $bags->[ -$i ] -= $loss; } say "Finally, reduce bags #0-#" . ( $n_of_heaviest - 1 ) . " to target weight of $target_weight:\n" . display($bags); } } sub display ($aref) { my $r = ''; for my ( $i, $wt ) ( indexed @$aref ) { $r .= sprintf "%2s: %s (%d)\n", "#$i", ( '-' x $wt ), $wt; } $r .= sprintf "Weight %d, target %d\n", sum(@$aref), $target_weight; return $r; }