1. upgraded from macosx 10.5 to 10.6, causing upgrade from perl 5.8.8 to 5.10.0, and therefore... 2. had to "mysqldump --database each_db_needed | gzip > each_db_needed.dump.gz (update) 2b. Shut down running mysqld 3. had to install mysql 5.1.48 64-bit (macosc binary distro) 4. change "/usr/local/mysql" symlink target from mysql-5.0.1 to mysql-5.1.48 (update) 4b. Start mysqld 5. gunzip < each_db_needed.dump.gz | mysql 6. set up mysql accounts and passwords 7. install DBI (standard cpan style) 8. install DBD::mysql (by hand -- for some reason, 'testuser' needed tweaking) 9. add 'export VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT=no' to my .bashrc 10. hope that step 9 doesn't break lots of other stuff...