in reply to Re: Messing with %INC.
in thread Messing with %INC.

Is this specifically a system designed to handle code plugins that are maintained separately and reload those while running?
It's exactly that.

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Re^3: Messing with %INC.
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 24, 2014 at 14:15 UTC

    In that case, you may find mr_mischief's suggestion of using code references (such as anonymous subs in a hash) a much more flexible approach.

    For example, the different plugins can reside in their own packages, and register themselves with the main program, instead of having all plugins be in the same package or the main program having to figure out where the plugin's functions are.

    Reloading a file can be useful if you're reloading the same file repeatedly (e.g. after changes).

      Reloading a file can be useful if you're reloading the same file repeatedly (e.g. after changes).
      I do reload specific files, because they change.

      Anonymous subs would make things more complicated. I posted the example out of the context of the actual application and this made explaining difficult. :-)