in reply to Re: bignum usage?
in thread bignum usage?

off-by-one error

It seems you've hit some precision limit - which is avoided if you use bigint.
Try placing an extra number at the beginning of $x, and you'll soon see what I mean.
For every extra number you prepend to the start of $x, you get an extra "0" at the end of $y:
use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use bignum;#num; # (1) #use bignum downgrade => "Math::BigInt", upgrade => "Math::BigI +nt"; ## (2) #use bigint; say $^V; my $x = 999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182; say $x; my $y = $x / 2; say $y; __END__ For me, outputs: D:\pscrpt>perl v5.39.5 999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182 499999999960889035741470030830827987437800000000000

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Re^3: bignum usage?
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 24, 2023 at 09:22 UTC

    Thanks, looks like it's fallback (so called "div_scale", defaults to 40) value that was applied (and now I have a deja-vu to have already investigated this a few years back). Either of

    use bignum p => 0; bignum-> precision( 0 ); bignum-> div_scale( 999 );

    (or method calls on an instance) will help. That still doesn't feel right:

    use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Data::Dump; use bignum; #use bigint; say my $x = 999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182; dd $x; dd $x-> precision; dd $x-> accuracy; dd $x-> div_scale; dd (Math::BigInt-> precision); dd (Math::BigInt-> accuracy); say my $y = $x / 1; __END__ 999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182 bless({ sign => "+", value => bless([165533182, 974875633, 61661655, 71482940, 999921778, + 999999], "Math::BigInt::Calc"), }, "Math::BigInt") undef undef 40 undef undef 999999999921778071482940061661655974875600000000000

    But with bigint instead:

    999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182 bless({ sign => "+", value => bless([165533182, 974875633, 61661655, 71482940, 999921778, + 999999], "Math::BigInt::Calc"), }, "Math::BigInt") undef undef 40 undef undef 999999999921778071482940061661655974875633165533182

    i.e. object of the same class, with the same properties, same global parameters, but result is different. Same (per deja-vu) conclusion: avoid using bignum.

      ... avoid using bignum.

      That's the rule that I live by.

      To be fair, however, bignum is quite possibly easier to use than I think.
      One just has to be aware of all the caveats ;-)

      i.e. object of the same class, with the same properties, same global parameters, but result is different.

      I think the difference occurs because the "bignum" division is done by Math::BigFloat::bdiv, whereas the "bigint" division is done by Math::BigInt::bdiv.
