in reply to MySQL,, OR normal DB!

I'm agree with brothers.
Your choise should be up to an your objective. It doesn't need to complicate a solution but serious projects need an use serious tools.
--------> SV* sv_bless(SV* sv, HV* stash);

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Re: Re: MySQL,, OR normal DB!
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 08, 2003 at 20:53 UTC
    Yes I see what you all are saying and I agree,, it really all depends on the function of that database.. But what i was trying to say - Im sorry if I wasn't clear :)

    Which is safer,, meaning,, To a hacker,, Is it simpler to hack a db or a MySQL database,, For I want to hold some info in a db,, but dont want it to be out there for anyone.

    These database would be in a secure directory with passwords and such,, So would that be good?

    Thanks all of you for your posting! :)