in reply to Module::Build

It seems quite stable now
What is this based on? Pixies and fairy dust? Module::Build is suprisingly nowhere near ready. Sure 5.10 is a ways off, but still, I don't see what the hold up is. The XS support is ridiculously horrible. Please write a review once this module is useful for something other than toy installs, until then, it's all speculation.

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Re: Re: Module::Build
by rinceWind (Monsignor) on Apr 30, 2003 at 23:03 UTC
    What is this based on? Pixies and fairy dust? ...
    It's based on pragmatic experience. I've actually found it very useful for automating many tasks that happen alongside installation - hence my comments about using Module::Build for other things than installing modules.

    However, I've never written an XS module, and I have no idea how well or otherwise Module::Build holds up when building external C code, but I meet regularly with some mongers who write XS code who swear by Module::Build. OK, if there are deficiencies here, please post feedback to the authors of the module. I don't feel it invalidates what I have to say in my review.

      Module::Build's XS support is still in alpha phase (according to its POD), and still somewhat buggy (I've submitted bug reports for all of the items below).

      For XS support to work, ExtUtils::ParseXS must be installed. Module::Build doesn't check for it, so you must add it to 'build_requires' in Build.PL.

      Module::Build doesn't generate VERSION and XS_VERSION for compiling the C code generated from the XS code. You need to add them to 'extra_compiler_flag' in Build.PL.

      Your Build.PL file should check for have_c_compiler() if you plan to upload it to CPAN.

      Remember: There's always one more bug.