Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks,

I am looking for a Perl module that would let me to compare two texts and tell me how similar they are. I have searched on CPAN, but I couldn't find anything. I need to come up with some arbitrary value that would tell how similar two texts are. I was thinking of implementing it myself (splitting two versions into fixed length substrings and then comparing how many of those substrings are the same in both texts), but I am sure there should be a better algorithm and possibly a module for this. The whole purpose of this is to allow for a user to enter an answer on a web form that would allow for a certain level of difference from the answer stored in the database.

Thank you in advance

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Module for comparing text
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Sep 30, 2003 at 06:17 UTC

    Look at Algorithm::Diff or, if the strings are short and expected to be similar, Text::Levenshtein, a more sophisticated direct measure of similarity.

    A third way is to compress the two strings, and compress their concatenation. If they are similar, the concatenation will compress to not much more size than one of its parts. I don't know of a module that does that.

    After Compline,

Re: Module for comparing text
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Sep 30, 2003 at 08:24 UTC

    I have been meaning to release this for a while. It does pretty much exactly what you want:

    package Algorithm::HowSimilar; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Algorithm::Diff qw(traverse_sequences); use Carp; require Exporter; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $VERSION ); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( compare ); $VERSION = '0.01'; sub compare { my $is_array = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? 1 : 0; my $i = 0; if ( $is_array ) { my $seq1 = $_[0]; my $seq2 = $_[1]; my (@match,@d1, @d2) = ((),(),()); traverse_sequences( $seq1, $seq2, { MATCH => sub { push @match, $seq1->[$_[0]] }, DISCARD_A => sub { push @d1, $seq1->[$_[0]] }, DISCARD_B => sub { push @d2, $seq2->[$_[1]] }, }); my $m1 = @match/(@match+@d1); my $m2 = @match/(@match+@d2); my $mav = ($m1+$m2)/2; return $mav, $m1, $m2, \@match, \@d1, \@d2; } else { my ( $seq1, $seq2 ); if ( $_[2] and ref $_[2] eq 'CODE' ) { local $_ = $_[0]; $seq1 = &{$_[2]}; local $_ = $_[1]; $seq2 = &{$_[2]}; carp "Did not get an array ref from callback!\n" unless ref $seq1 eq 'ARRAY' and ref $seq2 eq 'ARRAY'; } else { $seq1 = _tokenize($_[0]); $seq2 = _tokenize($_[1]); } my ($match,$d1, $d2) = ('','',''); traverse_sequences( $seq1, $seq2, { MATCH => sub { $match .= $seq1->[$_[0]] }, DISCARD_A => sub { $d1 .= $seq1->[$_[0]] }, DISCARD_B => sub { $d2 .= $seq2->[$_[1]] }, }); my $m1 = length($match)/(length($match)+length($d1)); my $m2 = length($match)/(length($match)+length($d2)); my $mav = ($m1+$m2)/2; return $mav, $m1, $m2, $match, $d1, $d2; } } sub _tokenize { return [split //, $_[0]] } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Algorithm::HowSimilar - Perl extension for quantifying similarites bet +ween things =head1 SYNOPSIS use Algorithm::HowSimilar qw(compare); @res = compare( $str1, $str2, sub { s/\s+//g; [split //] } ); @res = compare( \@ary1, \@ary2 ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module leverages Algorithm::Diff to let you compare the degree of + sameness of array or strings. It returns a result set that defines exactly how +similar these things are. =head1 METHODS =head2 compare( ARG1, ARG2, OPTIONAL_CALLBACK ) You can call compare with either two strings compare( $str1, $str2 ): my ( $av_similarity, $sim_str1_to_str2, $sim_str2_to_str1, $matches, $in_str1_but_not_str2, $in_str2_but_not_str1 ) = compare( 'this is a string-a', 'this is a string bbb' ); Note that the mathematical similarities of one string to another will +be different unless the strings have the same length. The first result re +turned is the average similarity. Totally dissimilar strings will return 0. I +dentical strings will return 1. The degree of similarity therefore ranges from +0-1 and is reported as the biggest float your OS/Perl can manage. You can also compare two array refs compare( \@ary1, \@ary2 ): my ( $av_similarity, $sim_ary1_to_ary2, $sim_ary2_to_ary1, $ref_ary_matches, $ref_ary_in_ary1_but_not_ary2, $ref_ary_in_ary2_but_not_ary1 ) = compare( [ 1,2,3,4 ], [ 3,4,5,6,7 ] ); When called with two string you can specify an optional callback that +changes the default tokenization of strings (a simple split on null) to whatev +er you need. The strings are passed to you callback in $_ and the sub is expe +cted to return an array ref. So for example to ignore all whitespace you could: @res = compare( 'this is a string', 'this is a string ', sub { s/\s+//g; [split //] } ); You already get the intersection of the strings or arrays. You can get + the union like this: @res = compare( $str1, $str2 ); $intersection = $res[3]; $union = $res[3].$res[4].$res[5]; @res = compare( \@ary1, \@ary2 ); @intersection = @{$res[3]}; @union = ( @{$res[3]}, @{$res[4]}, @{$res[5]} ); =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 AUTHOR Dr James Freeman <> =head1 SEE ALSO L<perl>. =cut




Re: Module for comparing text
by matthewb (Curate) on Sep 30, 2003 at 06:12 UTC
    Not used it myself, but a quick search on CPAN with the keyword `diff' turns up Text::Diff , which looks like the sort of thing you are after.

Re: Module for comparing text
by ehdonhon (Curate) on Sep 30, 2003 at 06:14 UTC
Re: Module for comparing text
by dree (Monsignor) on Sep 30, 2003 at 09:00 UTC
Re: Module for comparing text
by castaway (Parson) on Sep 30, 2003 at 13:53 UTC