⭐ in reply to How can I display a unique array if it contains some repeated elements
If you mean, "How can I display an array of the
unique elements of an array that contains some
repeated elements", this may serve your purpose:
The key here is: undef @hsh{@ary}; which is a hash slice. The hash slice is an lvalue (that is, it is assignable). The undef is associative for each element of the slice. The effect of this is to establish a key in the hash corresponding to each array element. Except that duplicate keys just write over each other. Each key has a corresponding value of undef. Then, on the next line we just extract the (now unique) keys into a new array.my @ary = qw(a b c d d e b d); my %hsh; undef @hsh{@ary}; my @ary2 = keys %hsh; print "@ary2\n";
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Re: Answer: How can I display a unique array if it contains some repeated elements
by knobunc (Pilgrim) on Apr 30, 2001 at 18:02 UTC |
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