in reply to Control Flow - Multiple returns or nested conditionals

Looking closely at the specific example you gave, I see some repeated work at each return that would give your coworker more reason to fight against multiple returns. I'd probably just factor that out:

sub _foo { my( $self )= @_; my $authentication= $self->authenticate_user(); return "Authentication Failed" if ! defined $authentication; my $profile= $self->get_user_profile(); return "User is not active" if ! $profile->is_active(); my $external_id= ( $self->find_external_id($profile) )[0] // $self->send_profile_to_partner( $profile ); return( '', $external_id ); } sub foo { my( $self )= @_; my( $error, $external_id )= $self->_foo(); return { status=>0, error=>$error, external_id=>undef } if $error; return { status=>1, error=>undef, external_id=>$external_id }; }

I also question the wisdom of an interface that separately returns 'status' and 'error'. If 'error' is false (including undefined) then the call was a success. An even better interface in the long run is to throw exceptions in the case of failures.

- tye        

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