Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

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$ lwp-download "" lwp-download: 500 Can't verify SSL peers without knowning which Certif +icate Authorities to trust
$ perl -d:Modlist -S lwp-download "" lwp-download: 500 Can't verify SSL peers without knowning which Certif +icate Authorities to trust AutoLoader 5.71 Carp 1.17 Config DynaLoader 1.10 Encode 2.42 Encode::Alias 2.13 Encode::Byte 2.04 Encode::Config 2.05 Encode::Encoding 2.05 Encode::Locale 1.01 Errno 1.11 Exporter 5.64_01 Exporter::Heavy 5.64_01 Fcntl 1.06 File::Spec 3.33 File::Spec::Unix 3.33 File::Spec::Win32 3.33 FileHandle 2.02 Getopt::Std 1.06 HTTP::Config 6.00 HTTP::Date 6.00 HTTP::Headers 6.00 HTTP::Message 6.01 HTTP::Request 6.00 HTTP::Response 6.01 HTTP::Status 6.00 IO 1.25_02 IO::File 1.14 IO::Handle 1.28 IO::Seekable 1.1 IO::Socket 1.31 IO::Socket::INET 1.31 IO::Socket::SSL 1.39 IO::Socket::UNIX 1.23 LWP 6.00 LWP::ConnCache 6.00 LWP::MediaTypes 6.01 LWP::MemberMixin LWP::Protocol 6.00 LWP::Protocol::http LWP::Protocol::https LWP::UserAgent 6.00 List::Util 1.23 Net::HTTP 6.00 Net::HTTP::Methods 6.00 Net::HTTPS 6.00 Net::IDN::Encode 1.1 Net::IDN::Nameprep 1.1 Net::IDN::Punycode 1.000 Net::IDN::Punycode::PP 1.000 Net::SSLeay 1.36 Scalar::Util 1.23 SelectSaver 1.02 Socket 1.87 Storable 2.25 Symbol 1.07 Time::Local 1.2000 URI 1.58 URI::Escape 3.30 URI::_generic URI::_idna URI::_punycode 0.03 URI::_query URI::_server URI::http URI::https Unicode::Normalize 1.10 Unicode::Stringprep 1.103 Unicode::Stringprep::BiDi 1.10 Unicode::Stringprep::Mapping 1.10 Unicode::Stringprep::Prohibited 1.10 Unicode::Stringprep::Unassigned 1.10 Unicode::Stringprep::_Common 1.10 XSLoader 0.10 base 2.15 bytes 1.04 constant 1.20 integer 1.00 overload 1.10 utf8 1.08 vars 1.01 warnings 1.09 warnings::register 1.01
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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: lwp-download: 500 Can't verify SSL peers without knowning which Certificate Authorities to trust
by Corion (Patriarch) on Mar 09, 2011 at 11:30 UTC
      Thank you thank you thank you.

      Usually I'm keen check to Changes, etc etc

      Now I feel the error message should mention Mozilla::CA / PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME explicitly

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you earn much good karma for posting the solution!
      Thank you! This helped get Net::Twitter::Lite working with Net::OAuth and SSL. Adding comment to aid searching.
Re: lwp-download: 500 Can't verify SSL peers without knowning which Certificate Authorities to trust
by gideondsouza (Pilgrim) on Dec 29, 2012 at 07:40 UTC
    I was getting this error while doing twitter authentication with Dancer. So for the total perl newbies like me, what the answer post is saying i, you need to reinstall/update LWP::UserAgent and install/update Mozilla::CA.
    sudo cpan install LMP::UserAgen Mozilla::CA
    This is what fixed it for me.