jcwren's user image
User since: Apr 26, 2000 at 21:43 UTC (24 years ago)
Last here: Feb 15, 2016 at 04:18 UTC (9 years ago)
Experience: 10893
Level:Prior (17)
Writeups: 571
Location:Atlanta, GA
User's localtime: Sep 16, 2024 at 01:51 -05
Scratchpad: View
For this user:Search nodes is currently down (and has been for a few months). The hard drive experienced errors, and due to the location of the server, it was extremely difficult to get to (did you know it was actually in a small hut at the top of the Himalaya mountains, accessible only with the aid of Sherpas? I thought not.)

jdporter has possession of the drive, and is planning to obtain a server somehow somewhere and restore the hard drive to it. The domain has also been transferred to his control, so all requests regarding anything related should be directed to jdporter.

PTAV here

For a living I write software, ranging from full blown Windows apps, to web design & database, to embedded systems. For a hobby, I write more software...
