merrymonk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I am having trouble with interrupting Perl as it processes a loop with a ‘sleep’ in it.
I am using Perl on a Windows 11 pc.
The included code runs a loop. At the start of the loop is ${INT} which sets a sub to be used if CNTRL-C is used. This sub simply sets the variable $loop_test to zero so that the loop ends.
This test Perl works. However, when I use this is the ‘production’ application, where a sub is also called (this tests if a file has recently being store and then acts on this information) CNTRL-C does not work.
Has any Monk a suggestion as to how this can be made to work?
I am using Perl Tk and could have a button which when used has the effect of calling the sub to set a variable to end the loop
My attempts to do this have failed because the button fails to respond.
I seem to remember (it is a few years since I have written any Perl Tk code) that there is some property that can be assigned to a button so that it would work in these circumstances.
However, my searches for this have failed.
Can any Monk point me it the right direction?
I am using Perl on a Windows 11 pc.
The included code runs a loop. At the start of the loop is ${INT} which sets a sub to be used if CNTRL-C is used. This sub simply sets the variable $loop_test to zero so that the loop ends.
This test Perl works. However, when I use this is the ‘production’ application, where a sub is also called (this tests if a file has recently being store and then acts on this information) CNTRL-C does not work.
Has any Monk a suggestion as to how this can be made to work?
use strict; use warnings; my ($loop_test, $cou); $loop_test = 1; $cou = 0; while($loop_test > 0) { # something which the lets the user set $loop#_tes to 0 $SIG{INT} = \&tsktsk; sleep(5); $cou = $cou +1; print "end sleep - count $cou\n"; # sub to do something - for exmaple see if a files mod time has change +d } print "\nEND\n"; sub tsktsk{ $loop_test = 0; print "[tsktsk] called\n"; }
I am using Perl Tk and could have a button which when used has the effect of calling the sub to set a variable to end the loop
My attempts to do this have failed because the button fails to respond.
I seem to remember (it is a few years since I have written any Perl Tk code) that there is some property that can be assigned to a button so that it would work in these circumstances.
However, my searches for this have failed.
Can any Monk point me it the right direction?
Replies are listed 'Best First'. | |
Re: Interrupting a loop
by choroba (Cardinal) on Jul 28, 2024 at 08:34 UTC | |
by etj (Curate) on Jul 28, 2024 at 13:43 UTC | |
by cavac (Parson) on Jul 29, 2024 at 05:09 UTC | |
by merrymonk (Hermit) on Jul 28, 2024 at 13:42 UTC | |
by merrymonk (Hermit) on Jul 30, 2024 at 10:32 UTC | |
by jdporter (Paladin) on Jul 28, 2024 at 14:08 UTC |
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