in reply to How do I send an email with Perl (including an attachment)?

There are several ways to send e-mails from perl. My favorite for small jobs like this is Mail::Sendmail. This module is very easy to use:
use Mail::Sendmail; sendmail( From => '', To => '', Subject => 'some subject', Message => "body of the message", );
If you want to send a file as an attachment, that can be easily done with MIME::Lite.
use MIME::Lite; my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => '', To => '', Cc => ',', Subject => 'A message with 2 parts...', Type => 'multipart/mixed', ); $msg->attach( Type => 'TEXT', Data => "Here's the GIF file you wanted", ); $msg->attach( Type => 'image/gif', Path => 'aaa000123.gif', Filename => 'logo.gif', ); $msg->send;