This code snippet demonstrates how to overlay translucent text on an image using Image::Magick. It draws the text using Annotate to an overlay image with a neutral background, then uses Composite's Hardlight operation to merge the overlay image into the destination image.
use strict; use warnings; use Image::Magick; my $image = Image::Magick->new (); my $over = Image::Magick->new(); $image->ReadImage ('x.JPG'); $over->Set(size=> "1200x200"); $over->ReadImage('xc:#808080'); # Nochange colour for Hardlight my $err = $over->Annotate ( pointsize => 200, text => 'Hello World', gravity=>'center', stroke => '#C0C0C0', # Increase to make stroke more white fill => '#505050', # Decrease to make fill more black font => '@C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/times.TTF', # Omit for default font ); print $err if $err; $image->Composite (compose=>'Hardlight', image=>$over,gravity=>'center +'); $image->Write ('xb.jpg');