in reply to AES Interoperability between Perl and C#
It appears that Crypt::Rijndael's set_iv (16 byte IV) should be used instead of Crypt::CBC's set_initialization_vector (8 byte IV).
Update: That's apparently easier said than done, when using Crypt::CBC. I'm looking into it.
Update: Sorry, I don't see how Crypt::Rijndael (from Crypt-Rijndael-0.05) can possibly be compatible with Crypt::CBC (from Crypt-CBC-2.15) as it claims. Not necessarily by choice, mind you. Crypt::CBC is fixated on 8 byte blocks.
Crypt::Rijndael without Crypt::CBC seems to do CBC just fine, but it doesn't provide a mechanism to pad the data to encrypt to a multiple of 16 bytes, and it doesn't provide a mechanism to remove padding from decrypted data. And if you have to send/extract the IV... not handled either.
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Re^2: AES Interoperability between Perl and C#
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Nov 17, 2005 at 00:33 UTC | |
by jpfarmer (Pilgrim) on Nov 17, 2005 at 20:12 UTC |