I needed to whip up a date delta (in my case, today minus 13 months) for SQL. I couldn't push the calculation onto the database, because the field in question is of type text rather than date, and converting it to a date and then subtracting the delta proved to be too expensive. Creating the date in Perl and using that is far more efficient. Don't blame me, I didn't design the schema, I just use it.

It's perhaps too-clever-by-half in that it's the most-commented bit of code I've written in some time, but I like the way it plays with list context.

use Date::Calc 'Add_Delta_YM'; my $date_limit = sprintf( '%02d-%02d-%04d', reverse # Y M D --> D M Y Add_Delta_YM( sub { $_[5] + 1900, # year $_[4] + 1, # month $_[3], # and day 0, # less this many years -13, # and this many months }->(localtime), # from today ) );

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Generate a date stamp of today less a date interval
by dave0 (Friar) on Dec 20, 2005 at 04:57 UTC
    Here's another option, using the DateTime modules:
    use DateTime; my $date = DateTime->now->subtract( DateTime::Duration->new( months => 13 ) ); my $date_limit = $date->dmy;
Re: Generate a date stamp of today less a date interval
by explorer (Chaplain) on Dec 20, 2005 at 08:58 UTC
    Here you can see more modules & samples. My examples are below explorer39 user name.
Re: Generate a date stamp of today less a date interval
by TedPride (Priest) on Dec 20, 2005 at 09:58 UTC
    How about:
    SELECT SUBDATE(datefieldname, INTERVAL 13 MONTH);

    You can then format the result as needed with DATE_FORMAT(). I'm willing to bet both processes will be more efficient done through database than Perl.

    EDIT: Oops - as pointed out by grinder in PM, he already specified that the database approach wouldn't work, since the field is TEXT. Somehow I missed that. Whoever designed the table needs some serious punishment.