Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: (network programming)

How do I send/recieve multicast UDP messages in Windows?

Originally posted as a Categorized Question.

  • Comment on How do I send/recieve multicast UDP messages in Windows?

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Re: How do I send/recieve multicast UDP messages in Windows?
by ybiC (Prior) on Feb 08, 2001 at 20:32 UTC
    Wiser Monks Than ITM might offer example code snippets or such, but here's my thoughts:
    1. check out Lincoln Stein's CPAN module IO-Socket-Multicast.
    2. run don't walk to FatBrain and order Network Programming With Perl, also by Lincoln Stein.   It has a whole chapter on multicasting.   (not at the Monastery bookstore yet)
    Disclaimer: dunno how applicable the above stuff is to Windows.
Re: How do I send/recieve multicast UDP messages in Windows?
by Anonymous Monk on May 06, 2004 at 08:39 UTC
    Disclaimer: dunno how applicable the above stuff is to Windows.

    As of May 2004, I'm afraid this still is not applicable to Windows. (Except maybe under Cygwin and/or if you compile your own Perl and the module?)

    Anyway, the CPAN testers page doesn't show any Windows test, and the module doesn't seem to be available on Activestate's PPM module repository.

    Too bad...

Re: How do I send/recieve multicast UDP messages in Windows?
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 28, 2004 at 19:26 UTC
    Check out winsock API structure ip_mreq
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