in reply to XML::RSS and RSS2 with custom namespaces

Sorry, no helpful advice here. Just an example where a desperate programmer can end up:

Torn directly from a programm, where I use XML::RSS, but want to include an extension tag and process that in an attached XSL (client-side).

open (my $F, '>', $file) || die $file; my $feedstr = $rss->as_string(); $feedstr =~ s#(<channel>)(\s*)#$1$2<my:file>$fname</my:fil +e>$2#; die "Improper rss version in generation!?" unless $feedstr =~ s#<(rss version="2\.0")[^>]*>#<$1 xmlns:my="ht +tp://$HOME/">#; $feedstr =~ s#\n#\n<?xml-stylesheet title="XSL_formatting" + type="text/xsl" href="rss.xsl"?>\n#; print $F $feedstr; close $F;